Digital Assets Report

Articles and Features

Hedge fund index

Systematic funds deliver higher risk-adjusted returns, research shows

Discretionary hedge funds tend to outperform systematic funds when markets are rising, but systematic funds can provide lower volatility and higher risk-adjusted returns, according to research by Preqin. As such, systematic funds are generally perceived as providing good downside protection

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Barclay CTA Index gains 0.87 per cent in May

Managed futures gained 0.87 per cent in May, according to the Barclay CTA Index compiled by BarclayHedge. The index is now up 0.21 per cent in 2014.   “An easing of macro concerns coupled with the European Central Bank’s efforts

Hedge funds increasing long energy bets

Oil future prices for Brent rose above USD115/bbl on 19 June, the highest level of the past five years. This is taking place on the back of a deterioration of the inter-confessional situation in Iraq, supply outages in Libya and

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Barclay Hedge Fund Index adds 1.16 per cent in May

Hedge funds gained 1.16 per cent in May, according to the Barclay Hedge Fund Index compiled by BarclayHedge. The index is up 2.35 per cent after five months.   “An easing of Ukrainian turmoil fears, central bank signals of continuing

Simon Gergel, Allianz Global Investors

All change please

Simon Gergel (pictured), CIO for UK Equities at Allianz Global Investors, highlights the consequences of the recent addition of 29 new companies to the FTSE All Share index… The changing of index constituents can have some important consequences. Index tracking funds


Schroders and Imperial College London collaborate on multi-asset study

Schroders Multi-Asset Investments and Portfolio Solutions (MAPS), led by Nico Marais, is collaborating with Professor Tony Constantinides, director of the newly created Imperial College Financial Signal Processing Laboratory (FSP).   Schroders will spearhead an initial 12 month project, which is

We have moved!

Napier Park Global Capital moves to new HQ

Napier Park Global Capital, a USD6 billion global alternative asset management firm, has moved into new headquarters in New York City at 280 Park Avenue. Michael Williams, chief operating officer of Napier Park, says: “The new space has been built


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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