Digital Assets Report


New SEC regulation requires hedge funds to disclose strategies 

The US Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission have jointly approved new regulations which will require hedge funds to confidentially disclose more information about their investment strategies to watchdogs on a quarterly basis, including on investments, borrowing

Hedge funds hit by SEC move to tighten Treasury market oversight

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has adopted a new rule aimed at tightening oversight of the US Treasuries market that means some hedge funds and high-frequency proprietary trading firms are facing increased compliance costs and scrutiny, according to a

ESMA monitoring hedge funds with 2,000% leverage

A group of hedge funds with exposure to mortgage bonds and average gross leverage in excess of 2,000% has attracted the attention of the European Securities and Markets Authority over concerns of potential market risk, according to a report by

SEC delays hedge fund dealer registration rule vote

A vote on new regulations, which would introduce a requirement for hedge funds and proprietary trading firms to register as dealers, has been postponed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to a report by Bloomberg.

SEC approves spot bitcoin ETFs

The Securities and Exchange Commission has finally confirmed that it is to permit the creation and trading of spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds, with issuers and analysts anticipating billions of dollars of new flows as a result.


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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