Digital Assets Report


Mario Mantrisi, Senior Advisor to the CEO and Member of the Executive Board at KNEIP

Annex IV reporting: the challenges of a moving target

There is no experience as the one gained in the front lines. The fund industry struggles with changing regulation, and those companies whose business model is based on providing reporting services know best that the devil lies in the detail.

Jesper Steiness, SS&C Advent

Growing appetite for hybrid fund structures

“There has been a lot of fund activity in Luxembourg this year focused on private equity and real estate. It’s an area of growing investor demand. They are looking for different options now and ways for investing that go beyond

James Williams, Hedgeweek

Luxembourg braces itself for increased PERE fund activity

According to figures released by ALFI at the end of July 2014, there were 3,891 funds with total assets of EUR2.90trn. By comparison, at the end of 2013 the size of Luxembourg’s fund industry was EUR2.61trn with 3,902 funds. During

Kamlesh Chauhan, haysmacintyre

Could a ‘no deal’ Brexit offer a silver lining on VAT?

By Kamlesh Chauhan, Senior Manager VAT, haysmacintyre – After another tumultuous week of politics, the Commons’ vote on the draft Brexit deal has been delayed. Uncertainty therefore remains over the VAT treatment of intra-EU supplies of services once the transition period

Xavier Duhem, JTC

JTC granted Luxembourg professional depositary licence

JTC has been granted a depositary licence by Luxembourg’s Ministry of Finance and is now able to offer a full range of services to alternative investment funds (AIFs) domiciled in Luxembourg, including depositary of assets other than financial instruments. With


ESMA addresses EMIR Refit implement issues

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a statement addressing EMIR Refit implementation.   The public statement addresses issues around the clearing and trading obligations for small financial counterparties and the backloading requirement for reporting entities, ahead of

Firms eager to see EU’s final prudential rules

ACA Compliance Group’s Head of Prudential Practice, Michael Chambers, comments on the agreement struck last week by the EU for new prudential rules for investment firms across Europe… New agreement heralds tighter controls for financial firms operating in the EU Having

Irish Funds welcomes CBI China Bond Connect approval

Irish Funds has welcomed the Central Bank of Ireland’s (CBI) approval for Irish domiciled UCITS and AIFs to invest in the Chinese interbank bond market via Bond Connect. The decision follows a CBI review of the China Bond Connect initiative


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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