Digital Assets Report


Hedge fund launches down in Q4

New hedge fund launches fell while liquidations were steady in Q4 to conclude 2023 as managers positioned for falling inflation and an improving economic outlook, albeit with geopolitical risk rising to historic levels, according to the latest HFR Market Microstructure

Axiom launches new long-short equity fund

Axiom Alternative Investments, an independent asset manager specialising in European financial stocks has expanded its fund offering with the launch of a new long-short equity strategy – Axiom Long Short Equity – which will be managed by Antonio Roman.

Systematic hedge funds shine in Q1

Systematic hedge funds, which employ algorithms to identify investable market trends, have significantly outperformed other fund strategies during the first quarter of the year, according to a report by MarketGuru.

Kimura Capital planning new commodity hedge fund

A resurgence of investor interest in natural resources has prompted Kimura Capital, a London-based provider of trade finance credit for commodities, to start a new commodity-focused hedge fund, according to a report by Bloomberg.

Global allocators added $172bn to alts in 2023, says Vidrio

Global allocators upped their alternative asset allocations – private equity, credit, real estate, real assets, infrastructure and hedge funds – to $172bn in 2023 a 19% increase from the $144bn seen in the previous year, according to a research commissioned


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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