Digital Assets Report


Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index up 1.06% in February

The Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index finished up 1.06% for the month of February with six of the ten sub-strategies recording positive returns. Event Driven led the way with a return of 2.25% followed by Long/short equity (1.99%), Convertible Arbitrage

Short term traders lead CTA returns in February

The Newedge Short-Term Traders Index led CTA performance in February, posting returns of +0.14% – the seventh consecutive month of positive returns. The index is now up 3.31% for the year-to-date. Following six months of positive returns for all the

Credit Suisse LAB index up 2.63% in February

The Credit Suisse Liquid Alternative Beta Index (CSLAB), which aims to reflect the performance of the overall hedge fund industry, finished up 2.63% in February.  The Event Driven strategy was the strongest performer, finishing up 4.19% in February. The Managed

Number six

All six MVIS long/short equity indices positive in February

All six of Market Vectors Index Solutions (MVIS) investable Long/Short Equity Indices recorded positive performance in February.  Each index is constructed using transparent, liquid ETFs and US Treasury securities to produce hedge fund-style returns without hedge fund pricing, opaqueness and

Barclay CTA Index gains 3.41% in January

Managed futures traders got off to a fast start in 2015, with a 3.41% gain in January according to the Barclay CTA Index compiled by BarclayHedge. “Trends from the prior month stayed on track in January as commodity prices continued

Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index up 0.81% in January

The Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index (the Broad Index) finished up 0.81% for the month of January with six of the ten sub-strategies ending the month in positive territory. Managed Futures led the way with a return of 6.02%, followed


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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