Digital Assets Report


A higher profile

Against a constantly evolving backdrop of advancing technology, heightened regulatory barriers, and increasingly complex business operations, the nature and profile of the hedge fund chief operational officer has transformed over the past decade.   The scope of the hedge fund

A long-term plus

As hedge funds’ business functions grow in complexity, more managers are turning to technology in order to execute a growing number of tasks.  New research conducted for this report highlights the extent of automation across hedge funds’ back- and middle-office

Hedge funds tap into tech talent

With hedge funds increasingly using alternative data and algorithms to help unearth investment ideas, and cryptocurrencies continuing to garner interest, computer coding, data science and AI expertise are now in high demand across strategies… Tech-based expertise is now a key

Hiring drive heats up amid industry dislocation

Hedge funds say securing the best expertise is growing tougher as more new entrants join the industry, with multi-strategy platforms and larger managers ramping up recruitment and economic turmoil squeezing the sustainability of some firms…

Reshaping the hedge fund career path

How a constantly evolving mix of hybrid and remote working, longer notice periods, changing salary structures, incentives, and company culture is potentially retooling hedge fund talent development… With so much of the hedge fund industry tied to performance, market participants


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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