Digital Assets Report


Renewable energy

Green energy stocks attract hedge fund short-sellers

Sustainable energy stocks have attracted the interest of hedge fund short sellers, according to a report in the Financial Times, with managers betting that the prospect of interest rates rise will mean companies with strong environmental credentials but weak earnings


Equity hedge funds flee Covid-sensitive stocks amid fears of new surge

Long/short equity-focused hedge funds are offloading or short-selling stocks that are most exposed to tighter Covid-19 restrictions, against a backdrop of surging coronavirus infections in Europe and heightening concerns surrounding the new Omicron variant. With Covid-19 cases rising across Europe â€“

EEX to launch new WECI indexes

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has launched the EEX Weekly European Cheese Indices (WECI) which will bring further price transparency to the European dairy market.

David Morrissey, Waystone

From pole to pole: Super ManCo Waystone offers global support

By Kristina West – Until five years ago, there were still some perceived benefits for firms to build an in-house management company (ManCo), in terms of control and the assumption that using a third party might be perceived differently by investors.


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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