Digital Assets Report

Legal & Regulation

The Bahamas

Meeting the needs of the digital age

Consistent regulatory updates contribute to a robust legal framework, which supports product development innovation, which sits at the heart of the Bahamian endeavors to encourage growth in the financial services industry. These continued efforts are critical for the jurisdiction to

Irish Funds backs EC’s targeted approach to AIFMD review

Irish Funds has welcomed the targeted approach taken by the European Commission in the publication of the legislative proposal amending the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) and the move towards greater supervisory convergence.

EFAMA welcomes AIFMD review

EFAMA has welcomed the European Commission’s review of the Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD), setting out targeted improvements to key provisions in the current framework.  Such targeted improvements will make strides in advancing the Capital Markets Union. At the

Fee-frauds spark call for hedge funds to self-regulate

Increasingly sophisticated fraudsters are relieving capital-raising projects of USD100,000s through fee-frauds, according to Private Debt Investor (PDI), which caters for private debt lenders including hedge, alternative investment and other private capital funds worldwide. Research by the Project Finance Exchange (PFX)

CFTC awards approximately USD1m to two whistleblowers

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has made awards totalling nearly USD1 million to two whistleblowers whose information led the CFTC to bring a successful enforcement action.  Both whistleblowers provided significant information and substantial assistance to CFTC staff during the


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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