Digital Assets Report


EEX Group posts significant commodity trading increases

EEX Group continued to expand its position in the global commodity exchange space , across all time zones, Europe, Asia and North America, in 2021 reporting significant increases in its power, natural gas, environmentals and dry freight markets.

EEX Group European Spot markets hit new record high

EEX Group’s European Spot markets reported a new high of 57.3 TWh (previous record in March 2021: 55.9 TWh) in December, with records reached in both Intraday (Austria) and Day-Ahead (France, Denmark, Nordics) markets.

EPEX Spot Intraday markets up 17 per cent in November

Spot Intraday markets operated by EPEX SPOT were up 17 per cent y-o-y in November to 11.1 TWh with Nordic markets reporting a new high to 428.9 GWh (previous record in July 2020: 346.5 GWh). Both Swiss and Greek Power

EEX Group reports monthly volumes for July 2021

July volumes for EEX Groiup’s Intraday Power markets grew by 12 per cent y-o-y, with Spanish Power Futures up by 22 per cent. As of 27 September, EEX will extend calendar year expiries for this market as well as for

CME Group reports highest-ever July average daily volume

CME Group, the world’s leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, has reported July 2021 market statistics, including average daily volume (ADV) of 17.1 million contracts during the month, the highest ever recorded.   Interest rate monthly ADV increased 96 per

AirCarbon Exchange reports 3.6 million carbon credits traded in H1

AirCarbon Exchange (ACX), a fully digital exchange for voluntary carbon credits with real-time trading and settlement, has executed transactions representing 3,603,284 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) during the first six months of 2021.  Most of the trading on

EEX sets new H1 volume record in Dry Freight

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has set a new all time record in Dry Freight, achieving a 42 per cent uplift in volume for the first half of 2021.  In the period January to June 2021, a total volume of


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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