Digital Assets Report


Japan flag

The need for inflation in Japan’s weakening economy

Ahead of the Bank of Japan Outlook Report on Tuesday 14 of October, Graham Martin, Managing Director of Optima Fund Management (Europe), comments on the need for inflation in Japan’s weakening economy… With recent IMF growth projections down, the Japanese

US stays in the Goldilocks zone

The current state of the US economy is ‘just right’, according to Alan Higgins, Chief Investment Officer, UK, at Coutts…  Recent data shows the US economy is still in the Goldilocks zone – not so hot that the Federal Reserve

Russia Flag

Lights at the end of the tunnel?

Hugo Bain, Senior Investment Manager at Pictet Asset Management outlines the findings of his recent trip to Russia… Ukraine and pro-Russia rebel forces agreed a ceasefire on 5 September, the first step towards ending a five-month conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Russia Flag

New historical lows for the rouble

Dr Vladimir Tikhomirov, Chief Economist at BCS Financial Group comments on the rouble’s recent fall to a new low… Hopes that the Minsk summit and the first direct talks between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents would open the way for

Asean map

ASEAN exchanges on track to create ASEAN asset class

The chief executives of the ASEAN Exchanges convened at the 21st ASEAN Exchanges CEOs meeting to discuss the next collaborative action steps to market and promote ASEAN as one asset class. Since its launch in April 2011, ASEAN Exchanges have

Fiona Le Poidevin, CISE

The extra dimension

By Fiona Le Poidevin, TISE – There were 705 new listings on The International Stock Exchange (TISE) during 2017, which was an increase of 40 per cent on the previous year. In the first quarter of 2018, there was a


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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