Digital Assets Report

Partner Content

How boutique hedge funds can secure larger investors 

It can be challenging for boutique hedge fund managers to make the jump from personal capital to institutional investment, but it doesn’t need to be. In this conversation with Dan Sondhelm (pictured), CEO of Sondhelm Partners, we uncover common pitfalls

An ideal jurisdiction for start-up hedge fund managers

PARTNER CONTENT By Aronne Debono Head Business Development & Corporate Services, BOV Fund Services Limited Over the years, Malta has been experiencing strong and consistent growth in its financial services industry and despite its size, is fast becoming the jurisdiction

Looking to the future: Malta’s hedge fund offering

Malta’s appeal as a fund jurisdiction is intrincially based on its geographical, political and legal attributes. The island’s colonial history resulted in an ad hoc corporate legal framework that compounds civil and common law practices, enabling the structuring of various

Ushering in a new age for digital assets

As the market for crypto and digital assets undergoes significant structural changes, managers are pivoting their approach to better serve their investors and the broader industry. Edouard Hindi (pictured), CIO at Tyr Capital discusses the changes the firm has been

Active strategies support true diversification

Higher volatility creates strong investment opportunities for active managers. Turning these into alpha needs a consistent, diversified approach to allocation. Paul R Lucek (pictured), CEO & co-CIO, Ridgedale Advisors, explains…

Managing liquidity risk becomes critical

The need for treasury and liquidity solutions is rising to the top of hedge fund and private equity managers’ agenda as pressures increase to strengthen risk management processes. Jonathan Spirgel (pictured), Managing Director of Cash & Liquidity (Public Markets), Hazeltree,


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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