Digital Assets Report

Private Equity

Philipp Pieper, Swarm Fund

Swarm partners with MakerDAO and integrates Dai token

Blockchain for private equity firm Swarm has partnered with decentralised autonomous organisation MakerDAO to integrate the Dai token into the Swarm platform.   Swarm writes that this will give Swarm’s community of accredited investors a greater capability to lock in

BlackRock reveals USD20bn of inflows in second quarter

BlackRock’s results for the second quarter of 2018 reveal USD20 billion of total net inflows, positive across active, index and cash management. The figures represent an 11 per cent revenue growth year-over-year driven by base fees, performance fees and technology

Hemal Mehta, AtomInvest

AtomInvest aims to democratise investment in alternatives

The summer saw the launch of a new investment platform, AtomInvest, which is designed to democratise access to alternative investment funds across private equity, venture capital and hedge funds. Founder and CEO of AtomInvest Hemal Mehta explains that he has

Gary Smith, Loebb Smith Attorneys

Using a segregated portfolio company for private equity funds

Q&A with Gary Smith, Partner, Loeb Smith Attorneys Could you briefly explain the concept of the Segregated Portfolio Company? Once registered under the Cayman Islands Companies Law, a segregated portfolio company (“SPC”) can operate segregated portfolios (“SPs”) with the benefit

Andrew Harding, Appleby

Hitting the sweet spot

By Andrew Harding – Ahead of the World Cup The Economist ran an article entitled “What makes a country good at football?” The journal explored the various components of a successful national side, taking account of GDP, population size and


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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