Digital Assets Report


FX trading volumes see big drop as market recovery stalls

The latest data from FXLIQUIDITY, provided by Mosaic Smart Data, CLS and MUFG, reveals that FX volumes dropped by between 10 and 25 per cent across all currency groups between 22 and 26 June. Read the full story Institutional Asset

AcadiaSoft partners with OpenGamma to simplify UMR compliance

AcadiaSoft, a provider of risk and collateral management services for the non-cleared derivatives community, has partnered with derivatives analytics firm OpenGamma to simplify the workflow for compliance of Phases 5 and 6 of the Uncleared Margin Rules (UMR). The partnership will

Patrick Ghali, Sussex Capital Partners

Manager due diligence in times of Covid-19

By Patrick Ghali (pictured), managing partner, Sussex Partners – A lively debate is currently taking place amongst allocators as to whether onsite due diligence and face-to-face meetings are still necessary given the current environment. The simple answer must be a


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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