Digital Assets Report

Special Reports


MAP offers significant benefits to investors

2015 has certainly been an interesting year thus far, with macroeconomic negativity and uncertainty mixed with idiosyncratic events resulting in a sustained period of market volatility, with the traditional fear gauge or VIX Index peaking at 50.78 on 24 August, the

Tom Kirkpatrick, SS&C Technologies

Leading the way in MAP service offering

SS&C Technologies services four of the world's top 10 managed account platforms, providing a critical administration function in the MAP space. The firm has continued to grow the number of clients (both MAPs and individual fund managers) in 2015 and

James Williams, Hedgeweek

Luxembourg upholds its hallmark of quality under AIFMD

Luxembourg's funds industry is marching ahead as Europe's leading funds domicile if figures released by the Association of the Luxembourg Funds Industry (ALFI) are anything to go by. According to ALFI, March saw the Grand Duchy enjoy record net sales

Alan Picone, Kinetic Partners

AIFMD and the mutation of risk management

Risk managers are making a more conscious effort to not only understand the virtues, but also the limitations, to risk models as they adjust to life under greater regulatory scrutiny, in particular the AIFM Directive in Europe. Indeed, such is the

Martin Toyer. TFG

Delivering real-time risk that reflects the speed of the market

The markets have experienced significant volatility in the last few months. China's decision to devalue its currency, the collapse of commodity prices and the uncertainty caused by global quantitative easing have all caused significant disruption to financial markets. In August,

Ittai Korin, PortfolioScience

A fully hosted and customisable risk solution

The RiskAPI service, developed by PortfolioScience, is a fully hosted and customisable risk solution that integrates seamlessly with existing applications and programming frameworks to generate risk calculations for multi-asset, multi-currency portfolios and individual positions. It is available as both an

James Williams, Hedgeweek

Will regulation help or hinder derivatives risk management?

Managing derivatives risk in the portfolio is a demanding task at the best of times. But as global regulators make inroads to drive transparency in OTC markets, managers find themselves having to file detailed risk positions under CFTC regulations in

Chris Kundro, Wells Fargo

A new view into hedge fund operational risk

By Chris Kundro, Wells Fargo Global Fund Services – There are many professionals, both internal and external to a fund manager, who play an important role in controlling a fund's operational infrastructure and mitigating a fund's operational risk. COOs, CFOs,

Kristin Castellanos, Deutsche Bank

ODD comes under the microscope

Operational Due Diligence (ODD) has become increasingly important across the alternative investment industry and more resources and attention are being placed on this function. This was one of the main findings from a session on ODD at the recent Global


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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