Digital Assets Report

White papers

Hector McNeil, HANetf

Hector McNeil argues the case for non-transparent active ETFs

Hector McNeil (pictured), co-Founder and co-CEO, HANetf presents his most recent commentary, arguing: The Case for Non-Transparent Active ETFs. Growth in the ETF industry is sustained, long-term and global – at the time of writing, there have been 51 months

Doug Dannemiller, Deloitte Center for Financial Services

Are alternative data sets becoming mainstream?

Alternative data will likely transform active investment management over the next five years, according to a white paper by Deloitte. Those firms that do not update their investment processes within that timeframe could, they argue, face strategic risks. Alternative data is

EQDerivatives predicts rapid growth for quant investing

The EQ Derivatives survey finds that alternative risk premia strategies have been adopted by innovative pension funds around the globe since the Global Financial Crisis, with assets invested in the strategies now poised to grow 35 per cent by 2019


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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