Digital Assets Report

White papers

Sean Thompson, CAMRADATA

New CAMRADATA white paper assesses the future of multi asset credit

CAMRADATA, a provider of data and analysis for institutional investors, has released a white paper ‘Where lies the future of Multi Asset Credit?’ which the company compiled following a roundtable event with leading asset managers and investors held in June

Wayne Riches, FIS

Research reveals asset managers must be ready for reinvention

By Wayne Riches, FIS – New research findings indicate a gap between asset managers’ growth objectives and their readiness to meet them. In a new white paper based on global research and the FIS Readiness Index, FIS explores why asset managers

Searching for alternative beta

Bfinance’s Chris Stevens (pictured) reports on a recent manager search for alternative beta strategies for a large US corporate pension scheme with USD10 billion in assets under management. The client had previously considered and rejected investing into hedge funds for

Andy Dickson, SLI

Re-thinking DC default design

Members of defined contribution pension plans and schemes should carefully manage risk and volatility to create better predictability of investment outcomes. It is, in short, equally as important for those embarking on their retirement savings journey as it is for

Steve Irwin, Northern Trust

The importance of being liquid

Much like a brooding teenager, cash has become a high maintenance asset class as a result of events over the last few years. Whether it is finding liquidity to put to work for new investment strategies (or, for that matter, support

All bets are not off for hedge funds, says Grant Thornton report

A new report from Grant Thornton, entitled ‘The future of growth and the asset management industry: Disruptive forces rewrite the solution for hedge fund success’, finds that investors are demanding that hedge fund managers find alpha that exceeds market performance,


14 November, 2024 – 5:00 pm

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