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SBAI publishes report on culture and diversity for smaller asset managers

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The SBAI, a global alliance of alternative investment managers and allocators and custodian of the Alternative Investments Standards, has released the second in a series of reports on culture and diversity – Beyond the Metrics: Demonstrating and Assessing Diversity in Smaller Asset Managers. 

Allocator due diligence increasingly focuses on aspects of culture and diversity within asset managers. Being able to compare this data across managers is critical but doing this based solely on metrics can put smaller managers at a disadvantage. This report provides solutions for how smaller managers can make their culture and diversity strategies effective and how allocators can assess these managers retaining the ability to compare managers across their portfolio.

This report is a follow on from the SBAI Report – Principles of Culture and Diversity Strategies. The principles in this report can be tailored for firms of any size and the new report gives smaller managers practical guidance for adapting these principles.

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