Digital Assets Report


Global capital markets technology platform provider Trading Technologies International has introduced TT Splicer, a new TT Premium Order Type that intends to enhance functionality for synthetic multi-leg spread trading.
Technology-driven agency execution specialist Liquidnet has launched a SuperBlock Matching intiative, which is intended to help traders signal and participate in exceptionally large or illiquid block trades.
Athena, a full front-to-back OMS/PMS solution, has integrated data science specialist BTON Financial’s AI-powered Trader Co-Pilot solution into its offering with the aim of helping trading decision-making for fund managers, particularly in equity and ETF execution.
European Commodity Clearing and BSP Energy Exchange have concluded the migration of clearing services for power spot intraday continuous and day-ahead customers in Slovenia. Around 30 customers have so far transferred to the ECC systems.
Iress’s QuantHouse division, which provides API data feeds to hedge funds and other asset managers, has entered into a global partnership with BMLL, a independent provider of harmonised Level 1, 2 & 3 historical data and analytics for the global equity and futures markets.
Hedge fund performance was positive during the first quarter, as nearly all strategies turned more bullish on US stocks, with gross returns across all strategies averaging nearly 6%, led by managed futures strategies with gross returns at nearly 10%, according to Unlimited’s Hedge Fund Barometer, a new quarterly report and data analysis tool.
Adaptive Financial Consulting, a specialist in electronic trading technology solutions, has partnered with with KCx, Kepler Cheuvreux’s execution division, to develop a new event-driven trading system based on Aeron and its own Hydra technology.
Global electronic brokerage firm Interactive Brokers has added to its offering for hedge funds with the launch of a high touch prime brokerage and global outsourced trading services to complement the firm’s existing automated trading platform.
Cassini, a provider of front-to-back margin and collateral analytics and optimisation tools for derivatives and prime brokerage clients, has added to its platform’s capability to replicate PB margin across various policy types, as well as introducing a stress testing feature that fortifies hedge funds against forced liquidation events.
McKay Brothers International has launched the lowest latency private bandwidth between London and Stockholm, connecting London’s LD4 data centre, home of Cboe Europe and Stockholm’s Stack STO01 data centre, which houses Nasdaq-OMX’s markets.


12 September, 2024 – 8:30 am

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